Phillip Guerreiro

Phillip Guerreiro

Graduate Student

Politics and International Relations

Office: MMC, SIPA 213

Phone: 305-348-2226


Curriculum Vitae


I am originally from the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts with an unhealthy allegiance to all the New England athletic organizations. I hold a B.A. in International Relations (2015) and an M.A. in Asian Studies (2018), both from Florida International University. I joined the PhD program in International Relations in the Fall of 2018 and my research interests include environmental politics, Chinese/East Asian foreign policy, “hydro-power” politics, and critical reflections on relations between people, the state, and the environment. My current research is on Chinese domestic and international motivations for hydropower development in the downstream Mekong Basin. I am also still learning the art of translating hours of emotionally heavy environmental research into a respectable piece of knowledge, rather than a collection of documents with incoherent and unintelligible thoughts which were stitched together in an overly caffeinated state of mind.