Todd Makse

Todd Makse


Politics and International Relations

Office: MMC, SIPA 1-405

Phone: 305-348-8451


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Website


Dr. Makse’s current research looks at the importance of professional backgrounds and expertise in state legislatures, how early voting influences political discussion and information, and the relationship between policy priorities and knowledge in a multi-level political system.  

His co-authored book, Politics on Display: Yard Signs and the Politicization of Social Spaces examines the consequences of political yard sign displays in residential neighborhoods. His work has been published in journals that include The Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Political Behavior, American Politics Research, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Policy Studies Journal, and Political Geography.  

Before arriving at FIU, he served on the faculty at Susquehanna University, Dickinson College, and Radford University.  

Areas of Expertise

State politics, legislative politics, elections and voting behavior, political parties, redistricting


BA, Rice University, 2001

MA, Ohio State University, 2005

PhD, Ohio State University, 2010