Shlomi Dinar

Shlomi Dinar


Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations

Office: SIPA 2-538

Phone: 305-348-6958


Curriculum Vitae


Shlomi Dinar is dean of the Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs and a Professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations. Prior to becoming dean, he was associate director for academics and then associate dean for graduate studies and innovation.

Dinar’s research interests lie at the intersection of international environmental politics, security, and negotiation. In particular, he has published in the area of conflict and cooperation over transboundary rivers (a field popularly known as ‘hydro-politics’). In addition, he works on the linkages between climate change and international water issues, particularly as such a relationship pertains to the resilience and effectiveness of international river basins and institutions, respectively. Dinar’s research includes other areas and topics such as the nexus between political demography and technology and terrorism. Among his publications, he has authored or co-authored International Water Treaties: Negotiation and Cooperation Along Transboundary Rivers (Routledge 2008), International Water Scarcity and Variability: Managing Resource Use Across Political Boundaries (University of California Press 2017), and edited Beyond Resource WarsScarcityEnvironmental Degradation, and International Cooperation (MIT Press 2011). Dinar is also editor-in-chief of a 4-volume set titled World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management (World Scientific Press). His writings have appeared in such journals as International Studies QuarterlyJournal of Peace ResearchPolitical GeographyTerrorism and Political Violence, and Foreign Affairs, among others.

Among his other professional accomplishments, Dinar has been part of several collaborative consultancy projects for the World Bank that included team members from the United States, Spain, and Israel. In addition to his service to the profession as a journal and book manuscript reviewer, Dinar is currently on the editorial board of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics. In 2018, Dinar sat on the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Selection Committee. Dinar has also been invited to give talks and seminars in academic institutions, which have included the School of Public Policy at the University of California, Riverside; University of Sussex; Venice International University; and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, among others. Invited talks in public/organizational forums include NATO (as part of the organization’s Advanced Research Workshop) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Government of Canada), among others.

Dinar was also an Anna Sobol Levy Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and a Pemberton Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University, United Kingdom.

Dinar completed his doctoral studies at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies and master’s studies at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California, Davis.