Nicholas Onuf

Nicholas Onuf

Professor Emeritus

Politics and International Relations


Curriculum Vitae


Retired from FIU and residing in southern California, I teach occasionally at University of Southern California, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, and Kyung Hee University in Korea.

My recent scholarship includes Nations, Markets, and War (with Peter Onuf, 2006) and International Legal Theory (2008).

I am a member of editorial boards for Contexto Internacional, Cooperation and Conflict, European Journal of International Relations, Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, Journal of International Political Theory, IPS: International Political Sociology, International Relations, International Studies Quarterly.

Areas of Expertise

International Theory


BA, Johns Hopkins University, Political Science, 1963
MA, Yale University, International Relations, 1965
PhD, Johns Hopkins University, International Studies, 1967